Any future social visits to Fresh Start should probably not be held on Sunday since there are so many other competing commitments.
Emily Thacker updated the cookbook forms with the deadline of Dec. 29 and were distributed on the Fellowship Hall tables. We’ve received 4 recipes to date.
Mka Myra is making signage for the new slat board for our church ministries. Stay tuned.
Volunteers baked 115 Nut rolls on Saturday, Nov. 23
Suggestion to add a deadline in October on our HM annual calendar for FREE newspaper ads for nut roll orders and create a Facebook ad. Will check with Diane Yarosh to see how most folks receive our publicity.
At Coffee Hour, Mary Ann Reck suggested purchasing sprayer attachments for the kitchen sink faucets.
Kevin Reck also mentioned there is a warmer that was donated in our parish shed that just needs a switch, possibly Syd can look at it.
Julianna Cario is planning to roll beeswax sheets and make candles with our young moms and their kiddos in January to be blessed in February. And, she’ll be sharing the workbook, “Parenting Toward the Kingdom” with our young moms. Meal Trains set for Mka Janine, Rachel Royer due in Dec. and our newest catechumen, Katie, (who was received this morning along with her husband, Nicholas and children: Gabriel, Bailee & Autumn) in February.
Speaking of kids, we brainstormed the big idea of the church hiring a landscape architect to layout a playground, sidewalk around the church and an area for us to create an Old Testament Herb Garden in memory of Mka Annice. Possibly create a fundraiser and accept additional funds from Sunday School, Jr. O Club, Parish, etc. to fund it.
Pending Father’s approval, decorating the church for Christmas on Sun, Dec. 1 @ 4:30p
Update on the OCLife Diaper Drive – Monetary donations $336, 3526 diapers, 82 pks of wipes, 20 cans of formula, & lots of hangers. Thanks Meredith!
Discussed providing flowers, cake or whatever needed for Baby Emelia Kotalik’s baptism on Jan. 1. Mka Myra will check with Mka Janine.
December HM meeting on Dec. 22 canceled due to the parish Yolka
Next meeting Jan. 26, 2025