St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Canonsburg, PA is honored to present a talk by Dr. Daniel Hinshaw on the life and witness of Fr. Roman Braga (1922-2015). Some of you may have known him when he was serving as the priest at Holy Transfiguration Monastery, and later at Holy Dormition Monastery in Rives Junction, Michigan. Dr. Hinshaw’s book on Fr. Roman, Journey to Simplicity: The Life and Wisdom of Archimandrite Roman Braga, was recently published by St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. It is the story of a man who survived the most brutal persecution and torture in the Romanian Communist prison system, and who eventually immigrated to the United States. Dr. Hinshaw will be sharing some of his insights as he observed Orthodox Christianity taking root in the this country.

Our evening will begin with Vespers at 6 pm, followed by refreshments in the church hall. Dr. Hinshaw’s presentation will start at about 7 pm. Please join us!

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