Glory to Jesus Christ!
As you know, we were honored to have Nathan and Gabriela Hoppe visit our church on Sun., June 9 & Mon., June 10 You may remember his homily on the healing of the blind man. He also gave two presentations here on the theme, “Building a Healthy Eucharistic Community for Young & Old.” You may also know that Nathan and Gabriela are dependent on churches like ours to supply the funds for their living expenses while they are serving in Albania.
As you know, we were honored to have Nathan and Gabriela Hoppe visit our church on Sun., June 9 & Mon., June 10 You may remember his homily on the healing of the blind man. He also gave two presentations here on the theme, “Building a Healthy Eucharistic Community for Young & Old.” You may also know that Nathan and Gabriela are dependent on churches like ours to supply the funds for their living expenses while they are serving in Albania.

Since we did not take a collection for their benefit while they were here, we would like to invite you to support them with a gift this Sunday, June 30th. Checks may also be made payable to “OCMC” with Hoppe Family in the memo line.
This link will take you to the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) where you can learn more about their ministry. OCMC does wonderful work in many different countries, and we encourage you to support the Hoppes or other missionaries with a regular contribution.
At the very least, please pray for the Hoppes as they share the good news of Jesus with those who do not know Him. Thank you!
In Christ,
Reader John Thompson, for the Outreach Committee