✈️Visiting Orthodox Missionaries – RSVP needed 6/6

Christ is Risen!

I hope that many of you who aren’t going to the baseball game on Sunday will make time in your schedules to come to hear Nathan and Gabriela Hoppe as we talk about “Building a Healthy Eucharistic Community for Young and Old.”


Nathan will be sharing with us in the church hall starting at about 4 pm, followed by a light supper at about 5:30 or so. The church will provide a simple supper of sandwiches and drinks.  Those who want  a place to hang out until the session begins may want to visit nearby Canonsburg Park, where there are playgrounds, restrooms, and picnic tables (as well as a pool!).  We have not been able to find babysitters during the session, so parents will need to make their own arrangements.


To help determine how much food to provide, please RSVP with the number of people who are coming by Thursday June 6. Please contact me, johntlibrarian@gmail.com or phone or text me at 724-710-7471.

Thank you!

Rdr. John Thompson

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