🙂🙂 Prayer Pals & Sunday Spotlight News

Christ is Risen!  Indeed He is Risen!
Thank you to our many parishioners AND our anonymous donor for participating as Prayer Pals this Lenten season.  A total of 122 Prayer Pals were honored with $1886 in donations and $1900 matched by our anonymous donor for a total of $3786 raised for Growth & Development!
We also hope you enjoyed getting to know your Prayer Pals a little better with our “Sunday Spotlights” and we’d like to thank those who have participated.  Many people have asked that we continue this effort so we do have a few folks “on deck” but if you haven’t had a chance to answer the trivia questions yet and would like to participate please see Ally or Doug Helmick at Coffee Hour or follow this link to a Google Form
If you have any questions feel free to contact Ally @  allyohelmick@gmail.com
In Christ,
The Canonsburg “O” Club & Junior “O” Club


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