πŸ“š Our Guest Author, Dr. Ford & Our Lenten Book Table πŸ“šπŸ“š Recommendations

Reminder:  Our guest speaker for this month’s Met. Theodosius “Light from the Church on the Hill” lecture series is Dr. David C.Ford who will speak on some of the dramatic moments in the life of St. John Chrysostom (AD 347-407) one week from today on Thursday, March 30th after Presanctified Liturgy around 7:45pm.  Presanctified Liturgy begins at 6:15 and Lenten refreshments will be provided.  Dr. Ford

 is the author of 6 books and a professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Theological Seminary. 

Other titles written by Dr. Ford are currently available on our church book table.

And speaking of books, each year, the season of Lent gives us a chance to redouble our spiritual effortsβ€”and maybe try a different approach. The church book table has a variety of titles, including Lenten classics and books on spirituality and the saints that many adults and children have found helpful.  Reader John Thompson has created a helpful list of titles with a synopsis of each.  See the attached list and browse the tables upstairs in the narthex and downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. 

Bring a friend who may be interested in learning more about one of the best known and most beloved of the early Church Fathers!  Our flyer is attached.

In Christ,

M. Myra